Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to make yogurt

How to make yogurt
items needed:
1-get some milk
2 a ot to boil milk in
3-get some yogurt (a little to use as a starter)(must contain alive culture or bacteria)
4-digital thermometer
5-a blanket or big towel

how to:

1- heat milk to 105F
2-put starter yogurt in hot milk pot
temperature must be 105 F strictly, otherwise your bacteria in starter will die and yogurt will be sour.
3-place the pot in hot place after wrapping towel around
wait 24 hr and 24 hr later yogurt will be ready to eat
if does n`t work 1st time you try don't give up try again!
Might be a lil steep learning curve here. It is hard to get it right at the first time, and hard to get it wrong after you practice a few times.

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